Monday, January 21, 2008



LOCATION: Bay of Bengal
92 deg. to 94 deg. Longitude
6 deg. to 14 deg. North Latitude
Andamans District : 6,408 Sq.Kms.
Nicobars District : 1,841 Sq. Kms.
Total Area : 8,249 Sq. Kms.
CAPITAL : Port Blair
DISTANCE :1255 Kms. from Calcutta
1190 Kms. from Chennai
1200 Kms. from Vishakhapatnam
ALTITUDE :Varies from sea level to 732 meters
HIGHEST PEAK :Saddle Peak - 732 metros

CLIMATE :Tropical throughout the year with mean minimum temperature at 23 deg. C and maximum at 31 deg.C. Humidity is relatively high - 70 to 90% with a gentle breeze blowing all the time. The weather is generally pleasant with average annual rainfall at 3,000 mm at Port Blair (May to mid-Sept. & Nov. to Jan.)
FOREST COVER : 92 %, Forest area 86%
BEST SEASON : October to May
CLOTHING : Cottons throughout the year
IDD CODE : ++91-3192 (STD 03192)

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